Write for US !!

Writing for ebusinessideas is an incredible opportunity to share your piece of information or insights with the readers. You can contribute your helpful content to our recognized webpage at competitive rates. We always strive for quality because we believe it should come before quantity, and we never make exceptions to this rule.

We are looking for writers who can provide us with high-quality content. You don’t have to be an expert in any particular field, but you should be able to write about it in a way that appeals to our audience. 

We encourage writers from various backgrounds to write for us for our website.

Guest Posting

If you’re a writer who has in-depth knowledge in any of these areas, insurance, e-commerce, marketing, sales, blogging, business ideas, product launches, business tips, career business, artificial intelligence, interviews, technology, publishing, social media, and personal finance—and you want to write for us, mail your content on the ebusinessideas1@gmail.com and submit your article for review and publication!

You can’t find a better place to do so than eBusienssIdeas. We’re looking for writers who know their stuff and can provide quality content that our readers will love.

If you’d like to write for us, please read and follow these guidelines:

  • We are looking for quality content that is both informative and entertaining.
  • Your articles should be well-researched, grammatically correct, and spelling-free.
  • Make sure to include a summary of your article in the first paragraph so readers can quickly get an idea of what the rest of the post is about.
  • We’re looking for articles that are between 500 and 1,000 words in length. That includes your article’s body and any images or videos you use.
  • Your articles should be original and not previously published elsewhere. If your article is a repost from another site, please link back to it in the body of your article.
  • Include at least one image or video in each post.
  • You can include up to three images or videos in your posts.
  • Your article should be written in an engaging, conversational tone that is easy for readers to understand.

Guest Post Guidelines :

  • Your article must be original and unique, you must not have published the content elsewhere. If your article is a repost from another site, please link back to it in the body of your article.
  • Your article should be written in an engaging, conversational tone that is easy for readers to understand.
  • The content must be relevant to the topic of our website. Your article should be content with promotional language and more promotional.
  • The content should not contain any profanity, vulgarity, or inappropriate language. If you submit an article for a guest post on our blog, please provide a short bio with your name and website URL.
  • Your bio should be less than 100 words and include no links. We reserve the right to edit your article before publishing it on our site.

We reserve the right to make edits to articles, so they fit our style guide

We reserve the right to reject any articles that do not meet our standards for quality and readability. We will provide feedback on all guest posts so you can improve your writing skills.

If you want to write for us, please email us at [email protected] with the subject line “guest post inquiry.” We will get back to you within 48 hours to let you know if we accept your article and include any edits that need to be made. 

Please get in touch with us if you have any questions about our guest post guidelines. 

If we accept a guest post from you, it cannot be published elsewhere online

Please allow us at least 24 hours before publishing a guest post on your website. We will provide feedback to all guest posters, so please refrain from contacting us asking for editorial approval or setting up an interview with any of our staff members. Please contact us if you have any questions about our guest post guidelines.  

Our blog is a place to share our opinions and perspectives on issues that matter. We welcome submissions from a variety of voices and backgrounds. Still, we cannot publish promotional posts written by representatives or employees of companies or organizations with which we have financial relationships. 

What Makes Guest posting crucial?

Guest posting is a great way to build your brand and establish yourself as an authority in your industry. By writing on other sites, you’re showing that you know your topic, can write clearly and concisely, and have something new to say. You also get the chance to reach new audiences with this tactic.

The best part of guest posting is that it can help you build relationships with other bloggers, editors, and website owners. As a result, you’ll get more opportunities to write for these sites or even collaborate on future projects.